Optimal Depth Buffer for Low-Cost Graphics Hardware


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Table of Contents

Optimal Depth Buffer for Low-Cost Graphics Hardware

Depth buffer: multiple choice test


Resolution and average depth error

Standard mapping: screen Z

How much resolution is enough?

Quasi-linear depth buffers

Limitations of W buffers

Optimal solution: goals

Complementary floating-point Z buffer

Depth precision, 16 bit storage

Depth precision, 24 bit storage

Depth precision, 32 bit storage

Intersections, 16-bit storage

Intersections, 32-bit vs. 16-bit

Intersections, 24-bit 1/W and 1-Z

Real-time depth errors

Real-time depth errors

Real-time depth errors

Selection of the optimal exponent size


Thank you!

Author: Eugene Lapidous, Guofang Jiao

Email: lapidous@acm.org