Quadratic Bezier Triangles As Drawing Primitives


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Table of Contents

Quadratic Bezier Triangles As Drawing Primitives



Previous Work

Planar Bezier Triangles

Planar Bezier Triangles

Quadratic Bezier Triangles

Quadratic Bezier Triangles

Quadratic Bezier Triangles




Fixed Subdivision Grid

Sphere with 512 quadratic Bezier triangles

Fixed subdivision with 4 layers per quadratic Bezier triangle

Teapot with 442 quadratic Bezier triangles

Fixed subdivision with 8 layers per quadratic Bezier triangle

Variable Subdivision

Variable Subdivision

Subdivision Criteria for Border Grids

User-adjustable Size Control

Maximum number of pixels per difference vector

Border Grids

Area grid

Area grid

The inner area is tessellated

The gaps are filled

Triangulation of gaps

Empty inner area

Optimised CMVS and LMVS

Variable subdivision of sphere

Variable subdivision of teapot

Movie with wire frame of sphere

Movie with texture shaded sphere

Movie with texture shaded teapot


To be done before realization in hardware

Author: Bruijns